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The legislation guarding the five necessities

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The Legislation Guarding the Five Necessities
Hakam A. Zummo Al-Aqily and Dr. ‘Abd Al-Kareem Zidaan

Translated by:
Hakam A. Zummo Al-Aqily and Abu Adham Osama Omara

Reviewed by:
Abu Adham Osama Omara


Islam came to protect five necessities for the human being. They are: Religion, Life, Regeneration, Money and Brain.
Religion: Islam came to protect the human rights to choose his reli-gion, meanwhile encourage human to truly think and search about the truth. Also, this protection contains spreading Islam, defending it and preventing those who cast doubt on it from spreading their wrong ideas.
Life: Islam came to protect human life by preventing someone to kill others or to kill himself. Also, this protection includes ordering one to eat and drink to survive.
Regeneration: Islam came to protect human regeneration by en-couraging marriage, and preventing any relation outside the fence of the family. In addition that, it punishes who commits adultery or accuses someone of adultery without having proof of that. Also, it forbids abortion and contraception except for the necessary conditions.
Money: Islam came to protect human money by preventing any person to take your money without your acceptance.
Brain: Islam came to protect human brain by preventing any act in which the brain is lost like preventing alcohol and drugs.
*The Noble Quran in English:
*Shaikh Abdullah Basfar’s recitation of the Quraan with the translation of its meanings into English:
* English section in Islamhouse website:

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